Saturday, December 26, 2009

Lights out

And first of all, it goes away from here.
All of it?
No, not really. Some of it escapes.
How can you tell ?
You cannot. But it always does.
Where does it escape to?
To some part of you, you do not know where. It does not matter where.
It hides?
No. It takes shelter.
Because it needs light.
And then? Does it come back?
Not right away.
Then when?
It takes its time. It finds its way.
To back here?
Yes, to back here.
How will I know?
You won’t. But one day, it will tell you.
That its here?
No. One day, it will tell you to leap.
Then, should I?
You will know.
Will I fly then?
You will find out.
How do you know so much about it?
I just know.
Will you tell me a story about it?
I just did.
No. Will you tell me a better story about it?
I will.
Not tonight.
Then when?
Tomorrow night.
Yes, really.
You promise?
Sleep child. And you will know.

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