Friday, November 20, 2009

All in a day's wok

Sighness, her Highness
Vagueness alert

Baroque of this life
Is chase or divert
Time is all looping
Like strings in a maze
Planes are a-swaying
In a salsa-ic daze
Thus set is rhythm
Of pulses and beats
Floors are abounding
With patters of feet
Thrilling is surfing
Across wildest waves
Armed and a-ready
A few hundred braves
This is art and music
Passion and dance
My Dali, Bocelli
Neruda, Rembrandt
Ten whirling dervishes
Ten leaping frogs
Ten soaring rocket ships
Ten rolling logs
Like synchronized swimmers
Or skydivers mid-air
This heart is a-throbbing
And breath is still there. 

(Penned Nov 20, 2009)

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