Friday, February 3, 2012

The alchemy of autumn

We will bring you together
Each and every one of you
And heap you into a pile
We will hide you, in plain sight
And with time, you will crumble
Break down, your bests and worsts
Intermingling, coalescing
Till so blended that we cannot tell
One from the other
The seasons will weather
Their rages upon you
Wind strewn, rain soaked
We will gather you in your pieces
Dried crisp or frozen to the vein
The soil will nourish you
And you will root, your spirit
Piercing forth, with the willful defiance
Of the left for dead, when in the silence
Of the unseen, all your hearts
Thudding, like the ground trembling
At its cracks, life will surge through
Your formlessness, your gentle breath,
Finding rhythm, will permeate the air
Bursting forth with a fragrance
Unfamiliar, yet compelling
We will see you find your feet
Unfurl your spine and look at the sun
Resplendent, in its sheen and glory.
We will bring you together
Each and every one of you
And we will will you to rise. 

(Penned, Friday, Feb 3, 2012)

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